----- Forwarded Message ----
From: inna bakker <innabakker@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:09:59 PM
Subject: Fwd: # 7 Macedonia and Albania
Dear friends and family
from Greece we crossed the border to Macedonia, stopped in a small poor town Bitola where gypsy kids surrounded us begging
for money " very professionally", saw monument to Tito, than drove to a
beautiful lakeside resort Ohrid which is a jewel of Macedonia, center
of tourism, Lake Ohrid is one of the oldest in the world and deepest in
the Balkans, the whole town is UNESCO heritage site, Macedonia is a
home land of Alexander the Great who conquered the ancient world in the 4 th century B.C.
now it is the only one of 6 republic of former
Yugoslavia which got independence peacefully, without a war, it is
still plenty of problems, not a member of EU yet.
than we crossed the border to Albania and drove to the capital
Tirana, first, we saw tremendous amount of bunkers---bomb shelters,
small concrete domes, Albanian brutal dictator Enver Hoxha built 700
000 of them between 1950----1985 against foreign invasions, now it is
impossible to destroy them, it is a mountain country- 70 % - and
mountain people, than we drove along Adriatic sea,
we had extensive tour of Tirana,
National Museum of History, which has a gallery devoted to the
misery of communist era and full scale model of the prison cell,
than i we walk the city, the most unusual thing is paintings of
the old, gray, Stalinist apartment buildings with bright multicolors,
different shapes, forms, lines, cubes, etc, project of the mayor 0f
Tirana who is a painter himself,
Tirana is one of the youngest capitals
of Europe, only since 1920, for dictator Enver Soviet
Union was "too liberal" he reoriented the country toward
China and cultural revolution, it is used to be the poorest country in
Europe, no more,
i went to the old capital---ancient city of
Duress with Roman ruins and 10 km of pebbles beach, no sand, it has
very impressive archaeological museum. but the best part was my
personal experience of meeting my Albanian friends whom i found on
Internet when i was looking for a Jewish community to be together
for Yom Kippur in Tirana, there is no functioning synagogue here, so i
just fasted, no service,
but i discovered that Albanian people hided
Jews during WW II, did not give them to Germans and took jewish
Refugees from other countries, after the war Albania --the only country
in Europe --- had more Jews than before the war, but world did not know
about this heroic acts because Albania was completely isolated from the
world by communist dictator, jews were airlifted to Israel, now the
world is learning, Israel is honoring people, making movies, writing
articles, etc
since 1990 it is a democratic country, open to
the world , building economy, 70 % are Muslims, 20 % are
Christians, 10 % are catholics---- Mother Teresa,
my friends Vlady ---Albanian and Natasha
[ jewish, born in Russia , married American who works for Piece Corp in
Tirana} came to my hotel twice , i learned a lot about the people and
history, Natasha took me to the conservatory , concert of Italian,
barokko music, cultural life is very active, after we went to
a reception and i met very nice professional people who are eager to
develop the country as fast as possible,
i am so glad that i visited Albania at this
stage and now have personal friends there whom i invited to stay with
me in New York,
next Montenegro and Croatia.
love to all.
1Macedonia in cyryllic
2Macedonia--Lake Ohrid
3Tirana's museum---Mother Teresa
4Tirana--painted bld.
5 Tirana--painted bld.
6 Duress
7 my Albanian friends
9 driving along Adriatic Sea
10opera theater in Tirana