this is my 4 th email
serbian photo is here.
Dear family and friends
toured Bulgaria for few days, it is an old Slavic country- Kingdom of
Bulgaria started in 11 century, typical history---- a lot of wars,
golden centuries, occupation by Ottoman Empire for 500 years,
independance since 1908 with the help of Russian Army, during WW II was German Allies, but King Boris
and population saved almost 50 00 Bulgarian Jews , they all wear
yellow star on their sleeves in solidarity, Israel honors this
country and her people.
Bulgaria had dictator Zivkov---was under Soviets for 45 years.
we visited capital Sofia -in Greek means " wisdom-"
that was my mother Sofia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 nd biggest city
Plovdiv, old capital Veliko Tarnovo, drove through beautiful Balkan
Mountains, they have few ski resorts, famous Ril Monastiry,
chirches, saw folk dances, i had
'chocolate massage-'--instead of oil they use chocolate, very, very
nice, fruits and vegetables are delicious, they said---they do
not use pesticides, people are friendly, ,building democracy and
much love to all.
in Serbia's restaurant photos of Dictator---Marshall Tito
folk dance in Bulgaria
guards at Presidential Palace---Sofia
violinist---park in Veliko Tarnovo
pijama sculptures all over the city means museums open late
Inna Bakker