----- Forwarded Message ----
From: inna bakker <innabakker@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 2:56:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hungary and Serbia
Dear family and friends
on the way to Budapest we stoped in Paris, stored our carry on in
the storage room for few hours for $60.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
went to Roden museum which is the biggest collection of his sculptures, walked in Paris, back to airport, flu to Budapest.
we met our group next day and had a tour of this
typical European city, learn a lot of history of Madyars--Hungarians,
Mongol occupations, golden centuries, Ottoman Empire
occupations, Austro-Hungaria Habsburgs rulings, Germans,
Soviet communists occupation for 45 years, now since 1990 they are
bulding democracy and free economy which is difficult and not so fast ,
but a lot of improvements, i went to famous thermal
bath, we had Operetta cruise on Duna---Danube with a lot of
Hungarian music, singing and dancing, had a tour of magnificient
synagogua, 2nd largest in the world after Temple Emmanuel in New York.
3000 seats for men and 3000 seats for women, Holocaust Memorial to 600
000 perished Hungarian Jews and Jewish Museum,
our Tour guide was a men saved by Raul Wallenberg.
our bus tour is going through the country sites toward
Serbia,weather is cool and rainy, we toured Belgrade, tasted local
food, talked to local people, they are still not members of EU and
life is not easy. next ---we are driving toward Bulgaria through
Balkans Mountains.
Much love to all.
Danube at night
Tito portrets in Serbia