i saw a replica of Burt Munro's 1962 record breaking bike-the "Munro
Special" indian scout who was in the great Kiwi [NZ] movie 'The world's
fastest Indian",
driving throughNorth island we saw a lot o f rolling hills, farming
land with thousands cows, sheeps and horses, farming in NZ is the most
productive in the world becayse of
1-very firtile volcanic soil
2 climate-no snow, no frost, no cold temperature, no draught,[ NZelanders call NZ-Gods own country],
in the city of Rotorua we went to world famous Agrodome for show of sheeps and cows, it was like in the circus, then I MILKED A COW and got a certificate of udderance, fun,
10 millions dairy cows are the biggest foreign currency exchange in NZ,
Rotorua is in geotermal region with spraying geysers, bubling mud and sulfur smell,
i i was bathing in Polynesian spa in sulfur pool, we visited geothemal power station.
NZ is nuclear free [ in Belgium tour guide told us that electricity is very cheap because they have a lot of nuclear power station ] NZ is very strong on nature conservation and protection, we went to Nature Park- Rainbow Spring [robot -computer took photo of me which i am attaching here] which cultivates bush,ferns, trees plants , birds - unique in NZ, national icon of NZ -kiwi is a flightless bird with a very long nose, comes out for food only at night,
NZelanders call themselves Kiwi
Kauri tree or gum tree is only here, lives up to 3 000 years, used for making timber, furniture and NZ amber beautiful jewelery,
Maori is a collective name for 27 tribes living here,given by Europeans they were cannibals,ate enemies and few whites,
British settled NZ last and learned from their mistakes with locals here they signed a treaty with Maori chiefs in 1840 , we went to few Moari museums, concert,dinner, listen to Maori , admire their wood carvings,
South Pacific [ remember musical] is a very very enchantig area, we sailed Bay of Islands watching dolphins jumping,
Auckland is a bigest city 1,3 mil. city of sails ,open green and contemporary,
1 spent 16 wonderful days in NZ, it is almost " paradise "on earth , everithing is balanced very well.