From: Estelle Freilich <>
Date: March 7, 2016 at 2:55:20 PM EST
To: Inna Bakker <>
Subject: Mazal Tov!
Dear Inna,What a wonderful way to celebrate your very special birthday and Bat Mitzvah.Dennis and I would have loved to be able to celebrate with you on Sunday, June 12, 2016, but we are already committed to a family simcha, also on that day.May you continue to celebrate many more happy occasions together with family and friends, and we would greatly appreciate, if you would be able to email photos of your celebration to us.Mazal Tov, and all best wishes.Estelle and Dennis-----------------------------------------------From: "Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi" <>
Date: March 7, 2016 at 12:46:28 PM EST
To: "''" <>
Subject: Mazel TovDear Inna,
Thank you so much for the invitation to your Bat Mitzvah and 75th birthday to be held on Sunday, June 12th at the Park Avenue Synagogue. Inasmuch as it is Shavuot and we plan to be in Israel for the festival, Audrey and I will not be able to attend.
We wish you a big Mazel Tov and much happiness as you celebrate this wonderful milestone in your life.
I had occasion to be with Ilya recently and he was simply wonderful. I am so happy for him and for you.
All the best to you.
Very cordially yours,
Haskel Lookstein
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
125 East 85th Street
New York, NY 10028
From: Carol Berger <>
Date: February 16, 2016 at 1:16:22 PM EST
To: "innabakker ." <>
Subject: Re: Invite weekend attachedDear Inna,
My dear friend,thank you so much.I am so happy that you always want to include me.I feel so close to you, as though we are extended family of each other.Again, I will be there in spirit, although not in person.Because of my permanent nerve damage, 24 hour-a-day pain management I pace myself in order to survive.In Hebrew there is a saying," L'heyot sameach b'chelko." Which means, to be happy with one's lot. I am a content person.I am looking forward to your other simcha coming up B'shaah Tova, When Jamie gives birth to another grandchild for you. That is netzach/eternity. What Joy.These are the true joyous blessings in life that money can't buy, for which we give thanks. Amen.Lve,
From: Brenda Kahn <>
Date: June 14, 2016 at 12:07:48 AM EDT
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Wonderful weekend -- Sent you photos
Dearest Inna, the weekend was wonderful -- each event was special and memorable. We were so glad to be part of it, and to see you snd all the relatives, and to meet Victor. I sent you 35 emails that each contained up to six photos. I hope you were able to receive them and open them, but if not, I can download them another way. Lots of love and thanks for everything. Xox Brenda
Sent from my iPhone
From: Beverly <>
Date: June 17, 2016 at 12:45:52 AM EDT
To: Inna Baker <>
Subject: Thank you
Dear Inna,You look very elegant and beautiful in the dress. Thank you for the kind words. We would not have missed honoring you for all your accomplishments.We will have many more years of our shared simcas. I hope you plan on coming to LA for Viviane's bat mitzvah, so we will see each other then.Love,Beverly
Sent from my iPad---------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Elena Umanskaya <>
Date: June 17, 2016 at 3:48:39 PM EDT
To: innabakker <>
Subject: Thank you...
My young cousin from. Seattle, Washington, she is like a daughter for me.
What an unforgettable weekend that was – family bonding and new connections, joyous celebration and laughter, spiritual insight and reflection. I am still taking time to process, but I want to thank you once more and let you know that you transform the future by sharing your love with all around you, myself included. Profoundly inspired by you in many many ways, from your commitment to cultivating loving relationships between friends and family to your incessant personal growth and strength, to your caring and compassionate nature. Thank you for being a role model and for the wonderment you create in our lives.
love you my mama,
From: Ary Grinberg <>
Date: June 5, 2016 at 6:27:03 AM EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: RSVP from Sydney
Dear ever-young Innochka,
We , the Grinbergs are not coming unfortunately…
BUT will have our Australian representatives – Regina and Misha J.
We admire your drive and zest for life ,
will try to watch the ceremony online and
will definitely raise a glass or two to your health and happiness at least till 120!
Mira + Arik
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inna, Happy Birthday!!! You are most wonderful, intelligent, beautiful woman , which I've met! We wish you wellness, beauty around you, happy moments, and more travels. See you tomorrow! Yana, Paul, Sophie.
From: "Seligman" <>
Date: June 14, 2016 at 6:02:41 PM EDT
To: "'innabakker .'" <>
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